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Everything posted by Arq.to

  1. A Arquitectura com 900 membros O Arquitectura.pt acaba de ultrapassar os 900 membros, juntamente a Connecty ultrapassa os limites de Portugal para criar amigos nos EUA. Novos Avatares Novamente o Arq. Fernando Guerra presenteia-nos com novos avatares de arquitectura portuguesa contemporânea. São 200 novos avatares de fotografias de diversos projectos por portugueses e em Portugal. Nenhuma das imagens foi alterada digitalmente. Mais espaço para anexos Com a quota ultrapassada de anexos e mais de 6GB mensais de tráfego o Arquitectura.pt alarga o espaço para permitir mais anexos e mais espaço para cada um dos utilizadores. Cada utilizador têm agora 5MB de espaço disponível no Arquitectura.pt. Connecty e eMarket Software Inc. A Connecty e a eMarket Software Inc. juntaram-se para planear estratégias conjuntas. A eMarket Software Inc. é lider no mercado norte-americano de produtos e soluções empresariais de RSS (feeds). A Connecty desenvolve aplicações e serviços para a web. Foi responsável pelo desenvolvimento da primeira framework portuguesa Ajax (linguagem web que mistura javascript e xml com outras linguagens de programação). Quais os termos desta parceria? A parceria esteve em negociações há mais de dois meses. Os termos que fecharam a parceria são privados e confidenciais. O que vai acontecer ao Arquitectura.pt? Absolutamente nada. O Arquitectura.pt continuará a desenvolver-se e por conseguinte o seu portal. Esta parceria vêm melhorar a visão do portal não só em Portugal mas internacionalmente. O que vai acontecer ao clientes actuais e patrocinados? A Connecty irá suspender alguns serviços e dedicar-se aos seus produtos, todos os clientes continuarão a ter suporte e apoio consoante o contrato realizado. Visite-nos: www.emarketsoftware.com e www.connecty.com
  2. RECYCLED BICYCLE FURNITURE by Frida Ottemo Kallstrom - Thu, 02 Nov 2006 07:05:29 +0000 There is something special about bicycles. Any bike enthusiast will tell you that their bicycle is not merely a means of efficient transportation, but practically an extension of their body. But what happens when that once cherished two-wheeled friend has outrun its course? Swedish designer Frida Ottemo Kallstrom resolves this dilemma with unique designs that will keep the cherished memories of your favorite bicycle intact even after its well-worn parts have deteriorated. She debuted her collection of recycled bicycle furniture at the Salone Satellite show in Milan this past April. Ler artigo...
  3. Um blog de excelente qualidade realizado pelo Ivo, que promete trazer todas as virtudes da cultura portuguesa. O Aspirina Light promete!
  4. Viva Jleitao, Talvez seja melhor indicar o link completo onde é explicada as diferenças entre os programas. Já tentei verificar onde está o link e não encontrei. Obrigado :p
  5. Realmente um conceito estranho de gestão. Como será para os lençóis sujos? :p
  6. Faltam dados como o preço do aluguer e outras soluções (casas de banho e etc). Embora se pretenda passar por um hotel nunca poderá funcionar como tal. Bom para utilizar para fins humanitários como albergar sem-abrigo, mas sempre como espaço final. É, contudo, uma boa solução e funciona como conceito, alguém que aproveite a ideia e a melhore pode fazer realmente um hotel.
  7. HELP PUT THE WORLDCHANGING BOOK AT #1 - Tue, 31 Oct 2006 23:28:33 +0000 A few days ago we announced the release of Worldchanging: A User’s Guide for the 21st Century, the new book from the Worldchanging crew (of which I am the Managing Editor and Jill F. is a contributing writer). Since then the book’s gotten great reviews in the New York Review of Books and BusinessWeek. Tomorrow morning, Wednesday November 1, we’re trying to mobilize a grassroots effort to get this thing to #1 on Amazon by asking everyone who is intending to buy a copy (and those who didn’t know they were intending!) to do so at 11:11am Pacific time. Read More Tags: worldchanging:, a, user's, guide, for, the, 21st, century,, sustainability,, green,, al, gore,, sagmeister HELP PUT THE WORLDCHANGING BOOK AT #1 http://imageads.googleadservices.com/pagead/ads?format=468x30_aff_img&client=ca-pub-4434321579063536&output=png&cuid=dboER1m9b7MUHqvAhUU8c-UPQwY_&url=http%3A%2F%2Finhabitat.com%2Fblog%2F2006%2F10%2F31%2Fhelp-put-the-worldchanging-book-at-1%2F http://feeds.feedburner.com/~a/Inhabitat?i=TOI77T</img> http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Inhabitat?i=G9JT8mlY</img> http://feeds.feedburner.com/~f/Inhabitat?i=kCRraS9F</img> Ler artigo...
  8. Rock Hotel em Cappadocia - Turquia Antiga igreja Bizâtina-Cristã escavada nos montes de Cappadocia. Escavado em rocha vulcânica eram celas para os monges, a temperatura dos quartos conserva 17º/20º centígrados. http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/1.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/2.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/3.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/4.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/5.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/7.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/10.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/12.jpg http://tasmania.globat.com/~archibase.net/dl/articles/hotel/16.jpg
  9. http-~~-//img166.imageshack.us/img166/8558/1nh9.jpg Um grupo de hotéis de nome Das Park foi criado a partir da ideia de dois Alemães. Embora original, o espaço é um pouco limitado. Esqueçam as idas à casa de banho de madrugada e a televisão. http://www.dasparkhotel.net/ Aqui ficam mais fotos: http-~~-//img166.imageshack.us/img166/1855/3dk7.jpg http-~~-//img179.imageshack.us/img179/5823/4uu0.jpg http-~~-//img169.imageshack.us/img169/5416/6lr6.jpg http-~~-//img169.imageshack.us/img169/8623/5hn8.jpg
  10. Encontrei este maravilhoso artista há algum tempo, mas infelizmente perdi o nome e o site. De qualquer forma fica a referência. Prometo procurar o nome. http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/8643/1fo9.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/5540/2wu2.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/6751/3ce9.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/6313/4zn5.jpg http://img182.imageshack.us/img182/1148/5jn1.jpg http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/8627/6zy1.jpg http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/7176/7ch5.jpg http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/8889/8xj7.jpg http://img157.imageshack.us/img157/8764/9lb1.jpg http://img149.imageshack.us/img149/9315/11ka5.jpg http://img167.imageshack.us/img167/5831/10ux6.jpg
  11. Pergunto-me até que ponto um arquitecto deveria aprender/fazer Origami? http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/5153/1st9.jpg http://img144.imageshack.us/img144/5908/2aa2.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/4948/7rz2.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/3571/8hx6.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/4033/10gd2.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/6098/14zb9.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/9194/16kr7.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/7074/15fu9.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/2194/18ca8.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/1518/19go2.jpg http://img92.imageshack.us/img92/1342/20vn9.jpg
  12. Featured Job: Salvadeo Associates Architects seeking Drafter/Designer Descrição: Progressive, design oriented, internationally published architectural firm located in Staten Island, NY seeks talented drafter and designer for immediate opening...- Full DetailsView over 2,600 active job listings in our jobs section Mais informação...
  13. POWER AWARE CORD by STATIC! - Mon, 30 Oct 2006 06:59:26 +0000 Sometimes it just helps to visualize things. The Power Aware Cord by Static! does just that, representing personal energy consumption through glowing pulses, color, and intensity of light. While most powercords are utilitarian (and in general, rather ugly), Static!’s aesthetic solution brings the issue of energy consumption literally, to light, urging users to be aware of and reflect upon the energy efficiency of electrical devices in their home. Just how does it work? Electroluminescent wires embedded in the cord produce varying patterns of glowing and pulsating colors to indicate the level of energy being used at a given time. Ler artigo...
  14. Casa en Carreço, Viana do Castelo (Portugal), obra de los arquitectos portugueses Nuno Grande + Pedro Gadanho. Un gran voladizo de ocho metros, que constituye una gran terraza suspendida sobre el jardín, proyecta en horizontal el cubo de dos plantas impuesto por el programa y las limitaciones reglamentarias. El volumen resultante, horizontal y ligero, armoniza con la suave pendiente hacia el mar.... [Arkinetia] Todo o texto...
  15. cof cof...já todos têm a resposta às suas perguntas, não adianta perlongar a conversa por outros caminhos.
  16. SUSTAINABLE STYLE SUNDAY: Green Jeans - Sun, 29 Oct 2006 06:14:37 +0000 Up until very recently, fashion and sustainability have been living in separate universes. Fortunately, in this day and age, you no longer need to be caught between your ethics and your aesthetics. With the increasing variety of stylish eco-fashion hitting the market, it has become easier than ever to find sustainably produced clothing that holds its own in the style arena. Ler artigo...
  17. Man Ray: Surrealist Meets Architect - Sun, 29 Oct 2006 04:46:00 GMT Who contributes more to the public perception of a building, the architect or the photographer? For Harwell Hamilton Harris, a California architect in the 1930s and 40s, the photographer who helped make Harrisâs buildings famous was one of the 20th centuryâs most celebrated Surrealists--Man Ray. Man Ray embraced the new ideas of art and culture, he was one of the leading spirits of DADA and Surrealism and the only American artist to play a prominent role in the launching of these two influential movements. He had never photographed architecture when Harris commissioned him to photograph three of Harris' most interesting houses. Man Rayâs architectural photos were unlike anything Harris had ever seen--and Man Ray never photographed architecture again. We, who are interested in architecture and art, are the better for Man Rayâs short, but memorable side trip into architecture, when two great artists--one a mild-mannered modernist, and one a Dada Surrealist--met on sunny hillsides in Los Angeles and Berkeley and created works of art, in architecture and photography. For more information about Man Ray and his art, read Ingrid Schaffner's book, The Essential Man Ray (2003,The Wonderland Press, Harry. N. Abrams, publishers). To see Man Ray's work online, visit www.manraytrust.com. And see what's surreal at www.tedwells.com. Photograph of the Weston Havens House, Architect: Harwell Hamilton Harris; Photo by Man Ray, Copyright Man Ray Trust. Ouvir Podcast
  18. GLOW-IN-THE DARK GLOW BRICK - Sat, 28 Oct 2006 06:07:56 +0000 The Glow Brick, designed by Sam and Jude of Suck UK, is a cute little cordless nightlight made from a phosphorescent lightbulb (yes, a REAL lightbulb) embedded in a block of acrylic. It requires no electricity, and is “powered” only by light it soaks up from the sun or other artificial light sources, making it as energy-efficient and eco-friendly as it is clever. Ler artigo...
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