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Arranha-céus mais arrojados dos ultimos tempo


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Fotos dos arranha-céus mais arrojados dos ultimos tempos:

a Al Burj com 1'200 metros e 228 andares e é um projecto(Dubai)
a Burj Dubai com 800 metros e 162 andares e esta em construção(Dubai)
a Burj Al Arab com 321 metros e 60 andares e é um projecto(Dubai)

a The Vasco da Gama Hotel com 145 metros (junto a torre) 21 andares e esta em construção(Lisboa)
Boas fotos:)

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Não tens informações sobre esses projectos? Localização, programa, etc...


a primeira foto são duas torres:

a Al Burj com 1'200 metros e 228 andares e é um projecto(Dubai)
a Burj Dubai com 800 metros e 162 andares e esta em construção(Dubai)

na segunda e a terceira foto é :
a Burj Al Arab com 321 metros e 60 andares e é um projecto(Dubai)

na quarta e quinta foto é:
a The Vasco da Gama Hotel com 145 metros (junto a torre) 21 andares e esta em construção(Lisboa)

Depois no segundo post é a:
a torre Phare com 300 metros e uns 60 andares e é um projecto(Paris)
a torre Generali com 318 metros e com 50 andares e é um projecto(Paris)
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Só tenho uma questão a fazer. O que faz este tópico nesta secção? Proponho que seja movido para "Conversas sobre Arquitectura" porque nem em "Arquitectura Internacional" se enquadra por não ter grande informação para análise.

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Só tenho uma questão a fazer. O que faz este tópico nesta secção?

Proponho que seja movido para "Conversas sobre Arquitectura" porque nem em "Arquitectura Internacional" se enquadra por não ter grande informação para análise.

como é que se move os topicos?
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mais arranha-céus: a Russia tower tem 612 metros e 118 andares e foi aprovado. http://homebuilderjobsblog.com/ChicagoSpire-005.jpg a Chicago spire tem 610 m e 150 andares e esta em construção. http://arkinetia.com/_recursos/Articulos/Images/Arkinetia_Santiago_Calatrava_Torre_Turning_Torso_en_Malm___Suecia_qqqARTID0000000105-IMG001_r68.jpg http://w1.siemens.com/press/pool/de/pp_cc/2007/06_jun/sc_upload_file_sosep200720_04_(turning_torso_malmoe)_300dpi_1452977.jpg a HSB Turning Torso tem 190 metros e 57 andares e ja esta construido. Boas fotos:)

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Há já algum tempo vi uma entrevista do Rem Koohlaas ao Charlie Rose sobre os seus mais recentes projectos onde o arquitecto holandês diz ter declarado guerra ao típico arranha-céus de um andar tipo reproduzido na vertical do princípio a fim. Assim este arquitecto procura novas formas de organizar e conceber esta tipologia um exemplo desta procura é a famosa sede da CCTV.

The tragedy of the skyscraper is that it marks a place as significant, which it then occupies and exhausts with banality... This banality is twofold: in spite of their potential to be incubators of new cultures, programs, and ways of life, most towers accommodate merely routine activity, arranged according to predictable patterns. Formally, their expressions of verticality have proven to stunt the imagination: as verticality soars, creativity crashes.
Instead of competing in the hopeless race for ultimate height - dominance of the skyline can only be achieved for a short period of time, and soon another, even taller building will emerge - the project proposes an iconographic constellation of two high-rise structures that actively engage the city space: CCTV and TVCC.

A new icon is formed... not the predictable 2-dimensional tower 'soaring' skyward, but a truly 3-dimensional experience. The consolidation of the TV program in a single building allows each worker to be permanently aware of the nature of the work of his co-workers - a chain of interdependence that promotes solidarity rather than isolation, collaboration instead of opposition. The building itself contributes to the coherence of the organization.»
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«What is left to be invented when it comes to the creation of a landmark?

So far the 21st century – in a desperate effort to differentiate one building from the next – has been characterized by a manic production of extravagant shapes. Paradoxically, the result is a surprisingly monotonous urban substance, where any attempt at ‘difference’ is instantly neutralized in a sea of meaningless architectural gestures.

This project represents a final attempt at distinction through architecture:not through the creation of the next bizarre image, but through a return to pure form.

Invented long ago, both the sphere and the bar explicitly abandon claims to formal invention or ‘originality’. (The sphere even existed before man itself…) Yet both geometries still continue to feed the architectural imagination: perfectly autonomous shapes, within their bounds the promise of a perfect world – made possible only by the seamless integration of engineering.

In spite of their apparent simplicity the sphere and the bar could come to represent a milestone in the construction of the new RAK and provide it with a powerful universal symbol: Western and Eastern, futuristic and primordial, contemporary and timeless.»

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Em obra:
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Procura-se criar uma cidade vertical com o aglomerar de diferentes funções que se beneficiem mutuamente, assim entre outros exemplos, os escritórios podem utilizar as salas de conferências do hotel, e as habitações podem beneficiar dos ginásios e serviços de catering entre outras possibilidades.
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«Although initially the concept of a Hyperbuilding seems irrevocably linked to societies of hyper-development, on closer inspection, the advantages of hyper concentrated structures and programs, are more evident in societies undergoing the drastic upheaval of modernisation at full force, in other words, the Hyperbuilding may be less credible in the almost "completed" urban conditions of, for instance Japan or America, where strictly speaking it would have little significant qualities to add, than in a developing condition where the virtues of the hyperbuilding, the provision of an enormous controllable critical mass, could be a demonstrable advantage.

If this hypothesis is true it would follow that it would be interesting to play down rather than play up, the technical aspect of the hyperbuilding. Although the hyperbuilding is clearly the 'next step’, it should not be confused with high-tech. It will only work if we can combine the visionary ambition of the hyper-scale with a de-escalation of its technicity, with a degree of elementary simplicity.

ProgramTo preserve the quality of the environment and the necessary proximity between home and work space (200.000 people commuting every day), the hyperbuilding is proposed to be a self contained city without being disconnected from the surrounding urban dynamic.

SpaceTo achieve urban variety and complexity, the building is structured as a metaphor of the city: towers constitute streets, horizontal elements are parks, volumes are districts, and diagonals are boulevards.

It can be read as the integration of several buildings into a larger whole. The different elements support each other in every sense: architecturally, they form an integrated complex; technically, issues of stability, access, circulation and servicing are organised collectively; urbanistically, the entire building becomes an urban quarter of a new kind.»
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  • 2 months later...

pessoalmente vejo muitos mais problemas nos sitios sem as ditas, do que nos sitios com torres.

qual é a vantagem de uma torre ou arranha céus (como quiseres chamar) numa qualquer cidade portuguesa em relação a mais construções de menores dimensões? Eu só vejo desvantagens! :\
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