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saber Nápoles, 6 imagens

Rui Resende

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Proponho aqui uma sequência de fotos que tirei já há alguns meses na fantástica Nápoles, cidade mediterrânica 200 km a Sul de Roma. Foi uma passagem curta mas intensa, da qual retirei bastantes fotografias, e escolhi estas para mostrar. junto a cada uma vem o texto que inclui com a foto no meu espaço do deviantart, daí o inglês. Resumindo, é uma tentativa de por 6 momentos seleccionados entre muitos que capturei dar alguma coisa a entender da vida desta cidade fascinante.

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Cartier Bresson is a genious, to my understanding, and to the millions of photography lovers worldwide. That is, i suppose, because he is capable of the most impressive photographic quality (to my point of view), which is capturing a moment. Well, obviously every regular photograph is bound to a specific moment, but Bresson's moment appears always as essential and capable of showing you the entire history of that specific place. I could never match myself to Bresson, but i would lie if wouldn't say that he is my major reference.
After more than 2 years of absence (life spins a lot) i came back to give you this time just glimpses of "moments" i got in Napoli, in past November 2006. What i was aiming was to capture bits of life, bits of Napoli. In this, as in the following pictures, i freely worked color, maybe lying a little bit in order to achieve what i remember when i went out of Napoli. Hope you'll enjoy, i'll try to keep up with my work here.

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Another scene from Napoli, the market on a saturday morning. The seafood is very alive in my mind. This is something i found i brought from Napoli after i left it (i'm half quoting Lobo Antunes in his "things i found i brought from Rome after i left it" chronicles)

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Still another market scene. This is it. Mediterranean very live city, we get red, never vivid red, but intense red, we get life if we breathe deep, this is napoli.

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The red i was talking about was this red. Something always seems to boil behind the usually degraded façades of these napolitan buildings. Chills me, walking in the middle of this somehow monumental and cozy buildings gives you a feeling not of visiting history, but living it.

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The balconies with clothes drying in open space is another memory. Mediterranean people give great use to the balcony and to exterior spaces in their living buildings. The yellow, this yellow i show, is another memory i got.

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I will get back, i know it. Noone ever leaves a city like Naples with the feeling that it is the last time... if you feel that, i suppose you'll turn back and die there.
I left naples that day by train, late at night, to Rome, and i really felt i was watching a beautiful girl, pure and perverse as every girl is, but always captivating, always joyful, always alive. This one is in black and white. This is what i left behind when i got to the train.

(coloquei este na secção arte não porque realmente ache que o que apresentei pode ser considerado arte, mas porque era o mais adequado, ou o menos desadequado para este tipo de material)

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obrigado pelo elogio ;) Essas fotos foram tiradas com uma Canon A90. Depois, em Roma, gamaram-ma na véspera de me vir embora :) Entretanto juntei uns cobres e agora uso uma Canon A630, que é basicamente uma actualização da que me gamarami (já tava habituado, conhecia a máquina, sei tirar partido dela). Os textos são só divagações. Isto é como a arquitectura. A foto tem de aguentar sozinha sem memória descritiva ;)

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